The Mechanics of Fluids

Francia. 2022. Color. 38 min. Documental. .
  • Film Director: Gala Hernández.
  • Scriptwriter: Gala Hernández López.
  • Editing: Alberto Dexeus; Gala Hernández López.
  • Music: Elisa Pereira Martins.
  • Sound: Charli Masson; Mélia Roger.
  • Animation: Claudia Martín.
  • Producer: Ninon Chapuis; Thibault de Gantes; Lucas Le Postec.
  • Co-production: España

In 2018, an incel called Anathematic Anarchist posted a suicide letter on Reddit entitled "America is responsible for my death". The Mechanics of Fluids is an attempt to find answers to his words. A virtual drift through the internet in search of his digital traces.

Gala Hernández

Gala Hernández López is a Spanish artist and researcher who lives between Paris and Berlin. After passing through the ESCAC, the Pompeu Fabra and the Sorbonne Nouvelle, she is a doctoral student in media theory and aesthetics at the Paris 8 University, where she is writing a thesis on screen capture in cinema and post-internet art. .

She currently teaches at the Gustave Eiffel University and is a visiting researcher at the Filmuniversität Konrad Wolf thanks to a DAAD grant. Her work articulates interdisciplinary research with the production of film essays on the processes of individuation and the new modes of subjectivation produced specifically by computational digital capitalism.

Especially interested in studying, from a feminist, poetic and critical point of view, the discourses and imaginaries that circulate in eminently male online communities, her work proposes a reflection on the politics of the representation of contemporary masculinity on the Internet in its articulation with algorithms. and the digital flows of data, signs and capital.


  • · 11/06/2022 - 21:00 at Teatro Salón Cervantes