Seventeen and a Half

España. 2022. Color. 13 min. Ficción. .
  • Film Director: Andrea Alborch Martínez.
  • Scriptwriter: Andrea Alborch Martínez.
  • Cast: Fran Martínez Talué; Alejandro Valera Martínez; Candela Valera Martínez.
  • Cinematography: Roberto Botella Tarazona.
  • Editing: Andrea Alborch Martínez.
  • Art director: Gemma Rosado Seco.
  • Music: Sergio Asensi Parreño.
  • Sound: Franco González Oliviero.
  • Special Effects: Nicolas S. Coloma.
  • Producer: Andrea Alborch Martínez.

What can you do when you are waiting?

Andrea Alborch Martínez

He studied Audiovisual Communication at the Miguel Hernández University. He has participated in the film La odisea de Vasi directed by David Valero, in the direction department. Together with his colleagues, he has made the short films Si queremos entrar, entramos and Mimo, both selected at both the Elche International Independent Film Festival and the Alfás del Pi Film Festival. He has been making a radio programme called Super 8 for two seasons, which he is still working on.

"Mimo" (2021) / "Si queremos entrar, entramos" (2019) 


  • · 11/05/2022 - 17:00 at Teatro Salón Cervantes