Ice Merchants

Portugal. 2022. Color. 14 min. Animación. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: João Gonzalez.
  • Editing: João Gonzalez.
  • Art director: João Gonzalez.
  • Music: João Gonzalez.
  • Sound: Ricardo Real; Joana Rodrigues; Ed Trousseau.
  • Animation: João Gonzalez; Ala Nunu.
  • Producer: Bruno Caetano; João Gonzalez; Michaël Proença.
  • Co-production: UK, France

Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their vertiginous cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily

João Gonzalez

João (1996) is a Portuguese film director, animator, illustrator and a musician with classical training in piano. Recipient of a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, he did a Masters at the Royal College Art (UK), after finishing his BA at ESMAD (PT)

He has a big interest in combining his musical background with his practice in authorial animation, always taking the role of composer and sometimes instrumentalist in the films he directs, occasionally setting them to a live performance.

"Nestor" (2019) / "The Voyager" (2017)

Premio del Jurado al mejor cortometraje (Festival de Cannes, 2022)


  • · 11/06/2022 - 18:00 at Corral de Comedias
  • · 11/13/2022 - 19:00 at Teatro Salón Cervantes