Bye Bye

Francia. 2021. Color. 25 min. Ficción. .
  • Film Director: Amélie Bonnin.
  • Scriptwriter: Amélie Bonnin; Dimitri Lucas.
  • Cast: Juliette Armanet; Bastien Bouillon; Lorella Cravotta; François Rollin.
  • Editing: Audrey Bauduin.
  • Music: Thomas Krameyer.
  • Sound: Alix Clément.

With his diploma in his pocket, Julien left his native Normandy to build a bigger life for himself in Paris, leaving his memories behind. And then one day, one has to come back, and that day his memories jump in his face.

Amélie Bonnin

An artistic director, illustrator and director, Amélie Bonnin puts images to words, screenings and stories. For four years, she sketched the guests appearing on France Culture’s Atelier Intérieur, in addition to designing the online visual identities of Le Mouv and France Inter. In 2012, she directed La Mélodie du Boucher, a documentary for Arte profiling a butcher in a country village. Now the artistic director of 4août, a communications agency, she is currently writing her first full-length fiction feature.

L'escale (2021) / La bande des français (2017) / La mélodie du boucher (2012)



  • · 11/09/2022 - 19:30 at Corral de Comedias