Tear It Down

Francia. 2021. Color. 30 min. Ficción. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Noëlle Bastin; Baptiste Bogaert.
  • Cast: Manon Dupeyrat; Paula Kvasnikoff; Chiara L’Houmeau-Caporiccio; Noé Riché-Simon.
  • Cinematography: Adrien Heylen.
  • Editing: Noëlle Bastin; Baptiste Bogaert; Clara Chapus.
  • Music: Heinous .; M Ā R A ..
  • Sound: Maxime Berland; Théo Jégat; Jean-Barthélémy Velay.

In an insurrectionary climate, four twenty-year-old friends talk about politics. As a big protest looms, one of them, Clara, has to write a college essay. Caught in the virtual images and the comfort of her bedroom, going out is harder than expected.

Noëlle Bastin

Baptiste Bogaert (1990) and Noëlle Bastin (1991) are a duo of Belgian directors living in Brussels. Cinema is a way for usto reflect on today's world. Through the form specific to each film, we seek to see and hear what makes our time, what affects it, how it shapes us. We like to work between fiction and documentary - where fiction is a tool to show the real, what takes place. For the same reasons, our films are often marked by sequence-shot work and regular collaboration with non-professional actors. In addition to films, we design video installations.

On Sourira de Nous (2022) / Traquer (2020) / Veille (2020) / Salut Travail / La Cour (2017)

Baptiste Bogaert

Baptiste Bogaert (1990) and Noëlle Bastin (1991) are a duo of Belgian directors living in Brussels. Cinema is a way for usto reflect on today's world. Through the form specific to each film, we seek to see and hear what makes our time, what affects it, how it shapes us. We like to work between fiction and documentary - where fiction is a tool to show the real, what takes place. For the same reasons, our films are often marked by sequence-shot work and regular collaboration with non-professional actors. In addition to films, we design video installations.

On Sourira de Nous (2022) / Traquer (2020) / Veille (2020) / Salut Travail / La Cour (2017)


  • · 11/04/2022 - 18:00 at Corral de Comedias