What Never Was

España. 2022. Color. 23 min. Documental. .
  • Film Director: Sandra Ruesga.
  • Editing: Lupe Pérez García; Sandra Ruesga.
  • Sound: Giacomo Corzani.
  • Producer: Tània Ballo; Sandra Ruesga.

How is it possible to want something so much and not want it at the same time? Chronicle of an abortion of a mother at her fourties.

Sandra Ruesga

Sandra Ruesga co-directs the feature doc “200 km” and directs many short-film documentaries ("Jogging my memory", "Through their eyes"...) She has been curator for 10 years at Documentamadrid film festival, and has worked in production for several international film festivals. She currently works as a filmmaker, producer, and as film programmer at Another Way FIlm Festival and at DOCMA Documentary Film Association, and Cines Zoco Majadahonda, a theater that she co-founded in 2013.

"La normalidad es la más inédita de las rarezas" (2020) / "Cambio de escenario" (2020) / "Una breve historia de amor chino" (2015) / "La iniciación" (2013) / "A través de sus ojos" (2012) / "Lejos, ensoñaciones en un tren" (2011) / "Haciendo memoria" (2005) / "200Km" (2003)


  • · 11/06/2022 - 19:00 at Teatro Salón Cervantes