Yungay 7020

España. 2021. Color. 19 min. Documental. .
  • Film Director: Raquel Calvo Larralde; Elena Molina Merino.
  • Scriptwriter: Raquel Calvo Larralde; Elena Molina Merino.
  • Cinematography: Elena Molina Merino.
  • Editing: Maitane Carballo Alonso.
  • Sound: Aitor Pérez Amozarrain.
  • Producer: Raquel Calvo Larralde.
  • Co-production: Perú

In 1970 an avalanche erased the colonial town of Yungay (Perú). A bunch of survivors rebuild it just a kilometer away. Huascarán, the once sacred and now feared mountain, speaks for itself. Those who remember know they should pay attenttion.

Raquel Calvo Larralde

Raquel Calvo studied journalism at the EHU. Since then she has worked in various media, including Durango Radio and El Correo. She got to know the Non-Governmental Association for Development and the movement through Bateginez and although the association has closed, she has continued to be linked to the issue of cooperation, as demonstrated by the films she has directed and promoted. [1] He has been a student at the School of Art and Professional Training in Gasteiz.

During a trip to Peru in 2016, Viator Yachatsikuqna Ayllukasahqa learns the history of the city of Yungay thanks to the members of the radio station and, in order to tell it, he enters a digital film workshop in Vitoria-Gasteiz where he learns the trade with the teacher Juan Arrosagaray.

In 2017 he promoted the production of several documentaries on Western Sahara, such as Laatash. In that production he met the director Elena Molina and, aware of the shared vision, he invited her to direct the story of Yungay in 2019 when he won the grant for Artistic Creation and Human Rights awarded by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Montehermoso.

"Semillas de revolución" (2019) / "Paraguas" (2017)

Elena Molina Merino

As an independent director, she has focused her work on non-fiction, with stories crossed by human rights and gender. She has written and directed five documentary short films: Yungay7020 (2022), All I need is a ball, , 'Laatash” (2019), 'Quand j'étais petit' (2016) and 'The Puppets Cemetery' (2014), and the documentary feature film 'Rêve de Mousse' (2018), co-written with Isaki Lacuesta and co-produced by TV3. Her works have been selected and awarded at international festivals such as Zinebi, BFI Flare, DOKLEIPZIG, DocsBarcelona, ​​Fipadoc, Big Sky Documentary, La Alternativa, etc. as well as within the stable programs of reference art centers such as the Center Pompidou (Paris), the Hammer Museum (LA), the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona or the Anthropological Museum of Madrid.

She has currently just directed her first documentary series for TVE and is in the post-production phase of her second documentary feature film, 'Remember my name', a French co-production that has won the CORTE FINAL Award from DocumentaMadrid 2022, the Best WIP Award from the Atlàntida Film Fest and with the support of MIradasDoc 2021 and the ESODOC European Social Documentary program.

Her first fiction script 'El dilemma de las eels' receives the Cambio de Plano development award, given by Dama Autor and Netflix, among more than 959 projects presented and her short film project Querida A. has just been selected to be produced by the CCCB and Dones Visuals, within the Symphonies of the City project.

"La rider" (2021) / "All I need is a ball" (2020) / "Laatash" (2019) / "Rêve de Mousse" (2018) / "When I was a child" (2016) / "Le Cimetière des Marionnettes"


  • · 11/05/2022 - 19:00 at Teatro Salón Cervantes