Donovan Escapes

Francia. 2022. Color. 25 min. Ficción. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Lucie Plumet.
  • Scriptwriter: Lucie Plumet; Thomas Pujol.
  • Cast: Caroline Ferrus; Sébastien Houbani; Yoann Zimmer; Aurélia Petit.
  • Editing: Nobuo Coste.
  • Music: Massimo Trasente.
  • Sound: Clément Lemariey.

Donovan, a young bodyguard, is mandated to protect a minister’s wife during her holidays in a seaside estate, while violent riots are taking place in the same area. In that luxury environment, Donovan tastes a lifestyle he never experienced before…


Lucie Plumet

Lucie graduated from INSAS in editing, then from La Fémis in directing. Her short films, notably "Damien Décembre" and "La jeune fille et ses tocs", have been selected in festivals such as Rotterdam, Locarno, Côté-Court à Pantin and the European Festival of Brest. She has just finished "Donovan s'évade" and is working on her first feature film.

"La jeune fille et ses tocs" (2018) / Les soirs, les matins" (2018) / "Damien décembre" (2017)


  • · 11/04/2022 - 21:30 at Corral de Comedias